Case Studies

Websites created using our SHINE Method

Carlisle Web Design



SAFed had a long-standing website which was in need of updating in terms of design and structure. With many members to show on the website, they wanted a more interactive, map-based display, and to bring better document management for easier access and tracking of guidance information.


After a full review of the site structure, and using client-provided content, we first worked on a full redesign of the website, accounting for new elements for member listings and document presentation to users.

SAFed were able to select stock images that they felt were the best fits across the website, to bring some visual interest to very text and information heavy content.

Once the page designs were approved, we moved on to building the live website, integrating a comprehensive member listing feature and a document display solution which makes things easily managed for the client and allows for tracking of download counts.


The final website presents SAFed in a professional visual style, with clear navigation ensuring visitors can find the appropriate section with the information that they require.

SAFed have easier and more efficient access to manage the large number of guidance documents they make available online, and all downloads are now tracked so that they can gain better awareness of how much their resources are being accessed.

Document uploads have their thumbnail created automatically based on the front page of the PDF file.

The member database is being gradually updated. The member list was imported via an existing spread sheet file, which was not sufficient to create the map pins for most members.

Members can now be given access to update and manage their own listings going forward, to reduce the workload of SAFed staff.

A screenshot of the original website:

The original SAFed website design

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Light Bulb Web Design provides high-quality, bespoke web design, SEO, digital marketing, copywriting, and consultation in the UK to ensure your online presence is a seamless extension of your business, with honest and transparent customer service.

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