By Chris on Thursday, 05 September 2024
Category: Website Design

When is it the right time for a new website?

Whether you have built your own website, or have worked with a designer, my take is simple:

You need a new website when your current skill level, or the designer's approach and skill level, can no longer create something that reflects your current or desired position in the marketplace.

Positioning and authority can be raised or ruined by how your business is visible online.

The ability to attract your ideal clients, and price your services as you feel is truly fair for the results you deliver, is 100% influenced by whether your website and social content (including imagery) is professional and both aesthetics and wording is focused effectively.

A home-built website will usually only take you so far.

A low-ticket web designer will usually only take you so far.

I say this not because I'm trying to pretend this is all true - I say this because our work is almost always delivering that second (or higher) websites for our clients.

They come to use because they want the authority and positioning that they can't get from whatever provision they have now.

And the feedback we get highlights how well we deliver this change.

The market is very strange this year, whether you sell B2B or B2C - buyers are getting more and more careful, more and more savvy, when choosing what to buy and who to buy from.

It's easy to reduce or be put off investing in your own business, yet that investment can make or break how well your business copes with this market change.

You'll either be left behind, wondering if you should have done something sooner, or you'll be the one with your own blue ocean - your own pool of clients that nobody else can touch, because we've placed your business online as the unique and individual creation that it is.

And when we do that, you leave everyone else competing in the red ocean you left behind.

Interested in how our SEO and people-driven website process can deliver for you and your business?

Get in touch on 07880 858381, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit my contact page; let's talk!

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