By Chris on Tuesday, 20 August 2024
Category: Website Design

Why your logo doesn't need to be bigger!

I know, your logo is important to you, but here's why it should never be anything but small and generally to the top-left of your website pages:

Nobody else really cares.

They know which website they are on because they clicked to visit.

What they want to know, as soon as possible, is what you do and if you can help them.

Repeating your logo and business name in the hero section at the top of the home page does not deliver this.

What it does do is make the visitor have to work to find out the answers to the reason they are on your website.

And people don't like to work - they want it easy, simple, clear.

Otherwise many will move on, losing you a potential client or sale.

Visual hierarchy is crucial to consider with your website. The first thing your eye should be drawn to is what you do and how you can help.

Not your logo or business name.

Nail your tagline, nail your value and benefits statement.

Get your call to action right for the ideal next step the visitor should take.

Make your website about your ideal clients (and not you) and things start to change :)

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